Sunday, April 25, 2010

4,800 Bags Saved

Since opening on 9/1/07
Earth Alley saved almost 4,800
plastic bags!

(about 80% of customers - any arm twisting, nah?)
by asking customers to take a reused bag, or no bag at all!
Not bad for a little store!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Tree free greetings came in

So exciting, just in time for eco month and earthday.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Kindness of a Stranger

After hearing that I was going on a retreat alone by the beach, a wonderful customer, Renee, came back a few days later to give me a book to take with me. It really enhanced my trip to the Yucatan. Thank you Renee! And if you are looking for an inspiring, timeless, this is a great find.